Thursday, November 15, 2007

Knowing the Unknown!! - A Philosophical Thought.

“How can you prove whether at this moment we are sleeping, and all our thoughts are a dream; or whether we are awake and talking to one another in the waking state? -Plato”. The attempts to answer this question are just merely different perspectives and nothing more than that.

What’s on earth makes us to think like we do now and separates us from all other living beings ? The place where you cannot be right without the law. It seems to me that no one knows the exact answer. “Opinion is the medium between knowledge and ignorance -Plato”. And nobody has the abstract knowledge of reasoning knowing the unknown. If I were to express my opinion on knowing the unknown, I would express it in mathematical terms (Since many evidences claim that mathematicians are not good in reasoning). Here, in this scenario I compare the realm of reality of the knowing the unknown with the concept of Limits. And it would be better off explaining it with an example.

Let’s consider a frog trying to reach from a point A to a point B. Every time it jumps, it covers half the total distance remaining. So in reality frog never will be able to reach to point B. It only tends to reach the point B. In Parallel to this concept of Limits, man always starts his journey from ignorance and forms the opinions based on the information that he gets on his way to acquire knowledge. So in the process of acquiring the knowledge, man always tends to reach the point, where he can find the true abstract knowledge. But in reality he could never reach that state. Which actually backs my hypothesis of nobody has the abstract knowledge of reasoning the unknown. When you reason knowing the unknown, You only try to express your perspective on reasoning on your way to acquire the true abstract knowledge, which in my view is the unconventional wisdom, which people generally talk about.

@Copyright –Sairam.Chilap

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Final Lecture with weeks to live - Randy Pausch,Cornegie Mellon

This is the lecture delivered on Sept 8th, 2007 at Carnegie Mellon University.

Some of the real life lessons he talked about :

- Wait long enough and people will surprise and impress you, He said when you are pissed off with someone and if you are angry at them, then you probably haven't given them enough time.
- Tenacity is a virtue. Not getting what you want is the most valuable experience you can have.
- Experience, he said is what you get when you don't get what you want

Thursday, July 19, 2007

A perspective on the world and the globalization

Check this link before you read !

The world is not flat, yes, you heard me right !!

Everyone is saying world is becoming smaller, yes true. But do we really see the conditions that people live in? Isn't the world still really big enough that we don't see the real conditions that people live in, the kid whose life can be saved for $50??

There is a huge political vacuum to be filled. There is a real role today for a movement that could advance the agenda of how we globalize - not whether we globalize. The best places such a movement could start are Africa and rural parts of India, China.

Every time a villager watches the community TV and sees an ad for soap or shampoo, what they notice are not the soap and shampoo but the life style of the people using them - the kind of motor bikes they ride, their dress and their homes.

What have we learned from 2004 elections!!! Voters were not saying "Stop globalization train, we want to get off." They were saying "Stop globalization train, we want to get on, but some one needs to help us by building a better step school."